In this course you will learn everything from the basics of street lighting, to mastering street calculations results. By the end of this course you will be able to confidently design, calculate and execute any street lighting project. Including and not limited to, one way, two way, Main + Service Roads, curved roads, bridges, under paths, mixed use roads etc.
Although we will be using the DIALux 4.13 platform, we will start the course by looking into some pre requisites for any street lighting design and what are some of the most important factors of street lighting. This will not only help you better understand the designs, but it will also assist in getting approvals for your designs. In addition, we will also trouble shoot problems where we are not achieving the required lux levels, and understand the relationship of different factors. Furthermore the same concepts can be replicated in DIALux Evo too.
The course is designed taking into consideration consultant / client requirements and will assist to create a professional design which will be easily approved by clients / consultants.
This course is for all levels (from beginner to master) as there is some resource for every level and each individual to grow and learn from.