This course is designed for International students interested in applying to US colleges and universities. As someone who applied and got accepted in a US college (before internet) and who has taught at various US Universities for twenty years, (also advised a lot of students with their application process), I claim a certain degree of expertise on the subject.
I have prepared this course from the point of view of international students who need the basic as well as advanced information about the process. So, chances are I have anticipated all your questions and then provided useful answers. But if I have missed anything, please feel free to send me a message and I will make sure to answer your queries.
The course starts with your basic research about applying to US colleges and universities all the way through the application process and to your visa interview. The last section also offers some practical tips about making the transition to the US educational system and succeeding in it. This course addresses both undergraduate and graduate studies international application process and also has materials to help research and Postdoc applicants to US universities.
Here is some of what you will learn in this course:
How to search for US colleges and Universities?
How to Start the application process to US colleges and universities?
How to answer admission questions?
How to handle the visa interview?
Besides the video lectures, the course includes textual resources, links to longer and more detailed videos, and links to the resources on my website. I am also open to any suggestions that you might have and would incorporate them as and when I revise this course. So, please feel free to reach out to me through the course messaging system with your questions, queries, and suggestions.