Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Fundamentals for Enhancing Performance (Arabic)

Ratings 5.00 / 5.00
Supply Chain Management (SCM)

What You Will Learn!

  • Understanding the components of a supply chain, including procurement, logistics, inventory management, and distribution.
  • Examining the challenges and opportunities that arise in managing a global supply chain, and highlighting the importance of collaboration and risk management
  • Designing and implementing effective supply chain strategies that enhance performance, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Analyzing the role of supply chain management in supporting business strategy and achieving competitive advantage.


This course on Supply Chain Management is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, strategies, and best practices involved in managing the flow of goods and services from suppliers to end customers. The course will cover key topics such as Supplier Selection and Approval, Supplier Risk Management, Supplier Communications, Supplier Performance,Supplier Improvement and Supplier Certification, Partnerships, and Alliances.

Through videos, students will learn how to optimize supply chain operations, reduce costs, improve efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction. They will also gain a deep understanding of the role of Supplier relationship management in supply chain management to improve visibility, collaboration, and decision-making.

This course in Supply Chain Management provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the key principles, practices, and strategies involved in managing a supply chain. The course explores the various components of a supply chain, including supplier relationship management. It examines the challenges and opportunities that arise in managing a global supply chain and highlights the importance of supplier certification, partnerships, and alliances.

By the end of the course, students will have a strong understanding of the key concepts and practices involved in supply chain management, and will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in this dynamic and fast-paced field.

So why wait? Enroll in " Supply Chain Management: Fundamentals for Streamlining Operations and Enhancing Performance" today and take the first step towards optimizing and achieving greater efficiency and success. With expert guidance and practical tools at your fingertips.

Who Should Attend!

  • Professionals: Individuals who are already working in the supply chain industry or related fields, such as procurement, logistics, or operations, and are looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in supply chain management.
  • Business Owners: Entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to learn how to optimize their supply chain processes to improve their business performance and customer satisfaction.
  • Managers: Mid-level or senior managers who are responsible for overseeing supply chain processes within their organizations and want to gain a better understanding of supply chain management principles and best practices.
  • Students: Undergraduate or graduate students who are interested in pursuing a career in supply chain management or related fields, such as logistics, operations, or procurement.
  • Anyone interested in supply chain management: Anyone who is interested in learning about supply chain management principles and practices, regardless of their background or profession.



  • Supply Chain
  • Logistics Management






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