Mineral exploration typically begins by studying the near surface geology. Explorers use available maps, reports and data to search for prospective regions. The field work begins once the properties covering any identified areas have been acquired. In addition to traditional rock hammer and hand lens, exploration geologists toolkit includes electronic devices such as a GPS, digital structure compass a portable XRF scanner and many more these tools are use to collect data and samples from the field and they are carried to the office and loaded into the computer to be manipulated and interpreted for further planning and exploration. Usually the softwares to be used for this matter are GIS softwares ( Geographic information systems) like ArcGis and Qgis. In this course we will do all the GIS work in a Mining package which is Micromine which is used for any exploration scale analyses and explore some the features that this mining software has to offer when it comes to Mining exploration , we will cover things like manipulating GIS data, Planning Drillholes, Creating a surface flow map, Creating a Geological database and much more, this course will be updated with more lectures upon the request of the students to suits their needs.