This course is best suitable for the students who find this subject as difficult, because all the complex problems are discussed in simple manner, also advanced power point presentations, animations are used so as students should understand in easiest way.
This course contains total four sections with 16 lectures, each section is having various subtopics explained.
The sections are as follows:
Section 1: Introduction to Surface Water Hydrology
This section contains much information’s about the author, course objectives and components. It contains the hydrology definition and types, water distribution on the earth, hydrological cycle and its parameter and climatic data curve.
Section 2: System Water Budget
This section contains the surface, groundwater and system hydrological budget, the parameters of water budget in details as precipitation, evaporation, infiltration and runoff, measurement of rainfall and calculation of rainfall recurrence interval, measurement of evaporation and infiltration, Horton equation and its parameters and estimation of the volume of catchment outflow by using infiltration indices.
Section 3: Stream Flow
This section contains stream flow definitions, measurement of stream flow velocity by Current Meter and Floats and measurement of the stream flow discharge by Segmentation and Weirs.
Section 4: Hydrograph
This section contains the hydrograph definition and components, the effects of basin characteristics on the flood hydrograph, how to separate the base flow to get direct hydrograph and how to deduce the unit hydrograph.
All sections are covered with solved examples.
By the end of this course:
You will have a solid understanding of the theory and practice of surface water hydrology.
You will be able to apply your knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems related to surface water hydrology.
So cannot wait to see you in the course, and I hope it shall give you added value.