Business Analysis, Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Stock Trading, swing Trading, Financial Strategies, Financial Planning, Financial Management.
You can easily learn to make big portfolio.
Make World Best Asset from the Stock Market.
You will be full time Trader and Financial freedom Achieve.
Fundamental analysis is done by studying a company's financial statements, industry reports, government policies and regulations, industry trends, and so on. This analysis helps in determining whether an investment opportunity will fetch good returns or not.
A stock is a general term used to describe the ownership certificates of any company. Holding a particular company's share makes you a shareholder.
we will describe only : blue-chip, growth, income, cyclical, and interest-rate-sensitive stocks.
Stock market is not a difficult subject to understand as you may think and anyone can learn how to trade stocks. There are many simple steps to follow.
There are four main types of stock:
raw materials and components - ready to use in production.
work in progress - stocks of unfinished goods in production.
finished goods ready for sale.
consumables - for example, fuel and stationery
Investors love to put stocks into various categories in order to make it easier to identify them.
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