SysML Certification Smart Practice Test

Preparation material for the SysML Model User  exam

Ratings 2.61 / 5.00
SysML Certification Smart Practice Test

What You Will Learn!

  • Basics of SysML language
  • Principles of Model-Based Systems Engineering
  • Systems Engineering
  • Functional diagrams



This second practice test from AIShed Association, while not the official training, helps you prepare for the SysML Model User exam by OMG, with hints and tips from an actual Systems Engineering Certified practitioner. Why is it called "Smart Practice"? Because it contains reflections and links to other resources that will help you reconcile theory and practice while preparing to pass the exam.

About a hundred questions are presented with their commented answers, which will help the student be ready for the SysML Exam. By repeating this preparation several times, there will be no need to memorize the learning material, because the key concepts will be clearly understood. Nevertheless, an attentive read of the Deligatti's SysML Distilled is highly recommended.

  • Due to NDA, it is not possible to publish the actual test questions. The ones presented are realistic approximations that will allow an accurate capturing of the key ideas covered in the test.

  • The many reflections and links to articles and study materials will allow the student to gain an in depth knowledge of the applied SE practices without the reliance on expensive and lengthy online courses.

Good luck on your test!

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Who Should Attend!

  • System Engineering students
  • Whoever is preparing for SysML certification
  • Professionals that need to use Cameo tool



  • INCOSE Systems Engineering Professional Certification






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