Help Me Pray!

Delighting in Prayer and Praying Consistently

Ratings 4.31 / 5.00
Help Me Pray!

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn to Pray through God's Word
  • Realize the Blessings of Prayer
  • Develop a Heart that Yearns to Pray
  • Confront the Pride that Keeps You from Praying
  • Understand Prayer as Worship
  • Refresh Your View of the God of the Bible
  • See an Example of Prayer from the Apostle Paul


Have you ever tried to pray for a half hour? Perhaps you came to God with a list of requests and burdens on your heart? You were determined to pray through it, and you prayed ever-so earnestly only to look up at the clock: That was only three minutes!

Prayer is an essential discipline in the Christian life, but many Christians hardly seek the Lord in prayer. How bad is the problem? According to surveys I have conducted in different evangelical churches, roughly 3/4 of regular attenders shared that they pray only a few minutes each day. This lack of prayer suggests that much of our strength for life and ministry isn't coming from above.

I did not develop this course as an expert on prayer. Times of my own life and ministry have been relatively prayer-less. This course is the fruit of my own struggles to pray, and I hope it will help you grow more dependent upon the Lord.  Rather than praying because you must, learn to pray because you love to do so. Delight in seeking our Father in prayer.

The Lord is eager to hear His children pray. I hope you will sign up for this course and grow in your desire to seek Him!

Who Should Attend!

  • Evangelicals who struggle to pray and would like help.



  • Christianity
  • Prayer






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