Tech Career Hacks - Communication Must-Haves

Crucial communication skills and expert hacks tailored for successful careers in the tech industry

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Tech Career Hacks - Communication Must-Haves

What You Will Learn!

  • Soft skills and career hacks needed for a successful career in IT
  • The necessity of talking about the same things and how to guarantee this
  • Hacks for nonverbal communication
  • A checklist for communication no-gos
  • The importance of knowing and understanding your audience before addressing them and what to be looking for
  • Checklists for communicating with marketing, sales, upper management, direct supervisors and clients


You’re a great coder? Good for you! Too bad that this alone won't get you very far in your career. The most important skills for a successful career in tech are the right soft skills and sound knowledge of savvy IT-work-life best practices…or let’s call them: career hacks. A lack of those skills is the main reason for job frustration. Technical expertise alone does not even make you a real senior engineer, let alone a principal lead engineer or a manager. Even your daily work experience is directly affected: a good team atmosphere, efficient processes, professional software quality and satisfied customers are certainly not the direct result of purely technical skills. And why settle for mere technical prowess when 94% of HR managers agree that employees with robust soft skills and savvy behaviours are far more likely to climb the career ladder? And that makes perfect sense! In a world where statistically half of your professional life might be spent in meetings, these skills aren't just nice to have—they're essential. If you prefer elevation over stagnation in your career, you will need to level up.

You've come to the right place. Our program teaches relevant soft skills, IT-work-life best practices and career hacks needed for a successful career in tech. We're not about abstract theories or AI-generated buzzword-bingo; we're about actionable, real-world wisdom tailored specifically for tech professionals. No time for long winded lectures, we focus on efficient and relevant things that you can use straight away. We know the tech industry inside out and have been through the entire career path ourselves, from IT studies to hands-on professional software development up to management. All our content and examples come from real life experiences and from hundreds of interviews with IT experts who have shared their difficulties and their best advice with us. Our philosophy is: It's not about being able to do everything perfectly. It's about not making simple and avoidable mistakes. Be smart and take a shortcut. Don't just be a participant in your career—take the reins and avoid the pitfalls that snag many. Position yourself for promotions.

We use micro-learning videos with condensed and to the point content that fits into your busy schedule, so you can upskill wherever and whenever you want, even in your lunch break! Our videos are designed to be engaging and entertaining, comparable to a late night show. Because: remember that boring lesson? Neither do we!

Our complete program is a series consisting of 9 compact courses, that cover topics like communication (especially communicating tech to non-technical people), making yourself heard as an expert, collaboration, professional skills, helping and improving others, career progression & self-marketing, dealing with superiors, leadership, business acumen and much more.

This is the fourth course covering your communication skills. Communication is an essential part of a tech career. Ultimately, communication is the sum of all the signals you send out, whether verbal, non-verbal, graphic or written. However, the problem is that people are often not even aware of their signals. We also often don't think about how our signals are received by the other person. As a result, we send out misleading signals relatively often, which can have a very negative impact, especially when it comes to our careers, as we often sell ourselves far short. That’s why our communication module is dedicated to precisely this topic. True to our motto, it is not about showing excellence everywhere, but above all about avoiding unnecessary mistakes, because these are much more serious. In this module, you can expect an introduction to the core elements of communication as well as a comprehensive collection of advice for situations in which you might unintentionally sell yourself short. Particular attention will be paid to the differences in communicating with the stereotypical audiences you are likely to encounter throughout your career.

Who Should Attend!

  • Software Engineers
  • Computer Science Students
  • Tech people looking for a shortcut to boost their career
  • Companies willing to upskill their tech teams
  • Career changers: destination tech career
  • People working in the IT business




