Photobiomodulation is a non-thermal process that uses non-ionizing light sources (either the coherent light of lasers or the non-coherent light of LEDs) in order to reduce the pain, increase tissue healing , decrease inflammation and this will improve the function of cells which will improve the function of tissues and organs ) to trigger redox biology-chemical reactions in which the oxidation state of atoms is changed, normally through the transfer of electrons between chemical species. Regarding the effect of Photobiomodulation in different Medical ,Dental and Veterinarian fields; we will highlight the definition, mechanism of action, advantages, indications and contraindications of the process. We will give you an idea about the difference between LED Vs LASER and red Vs blue Lasers.The power of Lasers usually higher than LED while beam Size of Lasers Usually is smaller than LED. So Power Density of Laser is much higher than LED. The absorption and scattering of light in tissues are both much higher in the blue region of the spectrum than the red, because the principle tissue chromophores (hemoglobin and melanin) have high absorption bands at shorter wavelengths, tissue scattering of light is higher at shorter wavelengths, and furthermore water strongly absorbs infrared light at wavelengths greater than 1100-nm. Photons of the light usually used in the PBM (red, near infrared) have not enough energy to break the molecular chemical bonds of nucleic acids (DNA); therefore, they are not carcinogenic, but from a conceptual point of view could speed up proliferative processes underway. Finally we will demonstrate the idea of conversion of stress cells to healthy cells.