With the tremendous popularity and adoption of cloud providers, the popularity of Infrastructure as Code software provisioning tools such as Terraform has skyrocketed. Terraform Tutorial’s goal is to provide a mechanism to expedite learning Terraform and how it safely and predictably enables to create, change and improve infrastructure.
One limitation of this course is that it is limited to learning Terraform within the AWS environment but the same concepts could be applied to other providers as HashiCorp maintains an extensive list of official providers.
This course is specifically designed for individuals who are new to Terraform.
In this course, the student would be able to learn the Terraform Lifecycle which consists of init, plan, apply and destroy commands by creating an EC2 (a virtual server) and a web server.
One of the prerequisites for the course is the candidates should have a basic understanding of the Infrastructure Side which might include servers, databases, or any other services offered by AWS.
This course has been designed for absolute beginners, for instance, there are videos for foundational components like a video explaining the concept of infrastructure as code, a video demonstrating how to create a free AWS account, a video on installing and using Visual Studio Code (with installing the extension for Terraform).