Test of Hypothesis, Simplified Example-Based Approach

Friendly guide to formulate and test statistical hypothesis. Beginner-friendly approach is adopted with many examples.

Ratings 4.69 / 5.00
Test of Hypothesis, Simplified Example-Based Approach

What You Will Learn!

  • How to formulate a hypothesis
  • Understanding the test statistics
  • Utilizing confidence intervals and P-Values
  • Understanding of concerns about type I and type II errors
  • Make usage of Minitab software to check hypotheses
  • Use Matlab coding to check for hypotheses


In this course, students will be introduced to main aspects of statistical hypotheses. A simple approach is adopted to be beginners-friendly with several practical of examples to explain ideas. The course explains and develop skills toward proper hypotheses formulation and testing methodologies. Main points about hypotheses on the mean and variance of a population are covered.

Students will learn how to correctly formulate a statistical hypothesis. They will also learn, in step by step, how to perform the right test for various types of hypotheses around the mean or the variance of a population. Interestingly, we will learn different methods to carry out correct hypothesis testing such as: test statistic, using confidence intervals and P-value.

The course content is simplified to fit for beginners with minimal background in statistics. Also, it is highly focus on examples and less on complex theories. Certainly, a focus on practice with real world problems will also articulate the feel sense of the value of this knowledge.

Finally, we make the use of both Minitab and Matlab software to help us quickly perform our tests. Friendly tutorials are given with examples for both software. Both software are introduced from absolute zero level, then students are guided with examples on how to use them for general purpose and specifically for working out tests of hypotheses.

Who Should Attend!

  • Students interested in statistics and statistical testing
  • Engineers doing experiments related to statistical measures
  • People working on data analysis and data interpretations



  • Probability
  • Statistics






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