Get credit for what you already know! If you are in school, you owe it to yourself to learn about these programs. These tests have been around for a long time (since WW II, in fact!) and they were specifically designed to help students demonstrate what they have learned independently so as to get college credit for it. You can take advantage of these programs and earn credits cheaper and faster!
Find out how credit-by-examination programs can help you earn college credits in less time and with less money, and create your own strategy for the most effective ways to study and pass your tests.
If you’re an undergraduate looking for a cheaper, faster, and more flexible way through school, or a student looking to “jump start” your college career by getting some of the basic, required subjects out of the way, then this course is for you!
If credit-by-examination is completely new to you, then you are not alone. Even in spite of many years in student services, it was only after I became a proctor for CLEP and DSST tests fairly recently that I discovered how useful these programs can be. Both programs have been around for over half a century, both are widely recognized and respected by colleges and universities, but apparently they still remain a well-kept secret in the academic world.
After about eight years as a teacher and a tutor in a homeless shelter, I formed a non-profit organization to equip working adults with the resources, strategies, and tools they need to achieve their educational goals. I am convinced that credit-by-examination may be one of the most powerful tools available to help non-traditional students get their degrees.
Non-traditional or not, if you are a student, then you too can benefit from this course. There are no prerequisites and anyone can learn these “secrets.” In fact, you will hear in the lectures about high school students who are taking advantage of these same programs right now. All it takes is a desire to learn. I hope you’ll take the next step to discover how you too can earn college credits towards your degree in less time and with less money.