Introduction To Infoblox DDI ( NIOS )

Introduction To Basic Administrative Activities You Need To Have For Infoblox DDI On Premises NIOS

Ratings 4.20 / 5.00
Introduction To Infoblox DDI ( NIOS )

What You Will Learn!

  • Identify the main concepts and terms of DNS and DHCP
  • Install & Configure Infoblox grid - Choosing the needed members
  • Work with infoblox DNS and DHCP and see the actual practical configurations
  • Understand and configure the DNS security feature on the level of NIOS DDI


During this course, student will be able to understand firstly the main concepts of DNS and DHCP before he gets started with the actual practical labs for infoblox .

After finishing the introductory portion , student will learn how to establish the infoblox grid and understand the different members types and how to initialize each member , adding license and add it to the grid .

Once the grid is created successfully with all different members types , real labs for DHCP will start to teach student how to create networks , ranges , fixed addresses and exclusion ranges .

After making sure that DHCP is working , we will take a deep dive into DNS concepts and how to apply these concepts into infoblox grid and test them also and getting results .

DNS portion of this course is the most important part since it tackles the main DNS structures and components like DNS views , DNS records , Redundancy , ZONES And more .

This could be very useful for who wants to understand dns and dhcp concepts correctly and applying them directly to a real world-famous vendor like infoblox .

All of those technical ideas will be practiced on one giant lab made on eve-ng to simulate the real world example for a corporate to practice real use cases on infoblox .

Who Should Attend!

  • Network Security Engineers
  • Systems Administrator
  • Networking Engineers



  • Cyber Security
  • Network Security
  • DNS






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