The Course, Part 2 is the continuation of The Course, Part 1. The Course, Part 2 leads to the possibility of living your life from a spiritual place of recognizing the false ego-identity stories that have veiled your true Essence/Source. You will experience that Essence/Source in this course, and that experience will always be available to you, and will beneficially affect every aspect of your life. In Part 1, you learn mental and emotional Mastery, which strengthens your ego’s ability to gain control, safety, security and connection: more pleasure and less pain in your life. Part 2 demonstrates the powerful beliefs that lie deeper and mistakenly you identify as being who you are. Deeper than those identity beliefs is the truth of who you really are. The ultimate goal of The Course is for you have a direct experience of the Essence/Source and identify with the truth of who you really are that you discover. That will provide you with the ultimate choice in every moment: will I identify with my thoughts, emotions and beliefs, or will I identify with my experience of knowing my Essence? And what if you also realized that you can see everyone in your life as Source/Essence?