The Foundations of the Kingdom

Building blocks of the Kingdom: Pursuing His fulness

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The Foundations of the Kingdom

What You Will Learn!

  • New Birth
  • Righteousness in Christ
  • The Law of the Spirit
  • Ministry of the Spirit
  • Water Baptism
  • Spirit Baptism
  • Gifts of the Spirit


Welcome to our course where we'll discuss the foundations of the Kingdom.

  1. New Birth: Being born again means starting fresh when we believe in Jesus. It's like getting a new beginning on the inside, changing how we think and live to follow Jesus better.

  2. Righteousness by Faith: This means being right with God because of our trust in Jesus, not because of what we do. It's a gift from God, not something we earn.

  3. The Law of the Spirit: The law came through Moses, but Jesus brought grace and truth. This changed how we relate to God, freeing us from old rules and making us new inside.

  4. Ministry of the Spirit: The torn veil in the temple shows how we can connect directly with God because of Jesus. Now, everyone can approach His throne with boldness and confidence.

  5. Water Baptism: Baptism shows our faith in Jesus and our desire to follow Him. It's a way to declare that we believe in Jesus' power to change our lives.

  6. Spirit Baptism: When we have the Holy Spirit, we get power to live for Jesus and help others. The Holy Spirit also gives us special abilities to serve God and others.

  7. Gifts of the Spirit: These gifts, like wisdom, healing, and speaking in tongues, are meant to help the church grow stronger and connect more deeply with God.

Throughout the course, we'll learn how these concepts shape our faith and how to live them out in our lives.

Who Should Attend!

  • Christian, whosoever wants to grow in their relationship with God and Biblical revelation.




