Mantra is one of the oldest practice in mind protection as observed in the life of a Buddhist practitioner over ages. In today's world, these wise words can indeed be enjoyed in a non-religious way, and being part of everyday's life to regulate our energy body, uplift our emotions and increase mental clarity besides providing us a quick way to being mindful.
It is fascinating how much of a healing art can mantra be, especially when paired up with deep breathing exercise and some mini short meditation. In this course, students are welcomed to explore all 7 mantras used in the Buddhism practice from a non-religious point of view.
Where energy is everything, let those resonates with you come to your aid, immediately and instantly, as promised by your loving Universe.
This course is FOR:
The artistic souls who are ready to explore the healing art of mantra chanting, specifically the mantra used in Buddhism practice
One to enjoy the healing vibration of the mantras
One to explore unique ways of focus through mantra chanting
One to discover a state of flow in the practice of mantra chanting
One to be acquianted with the benefits of the mantras
One to cultivate the connection with sacred texts and protection symbols of the mantras
This course is NOT:
A study about the in and out details of the mantras
A teaching on perfected pronunciation of the mantras
An instructional course of the perfected routine in chanting the mantras