The Inner Compass

The Inner Compass. Finding Peace Within.

Ratings 5.00 / 5.00
The Inner Compass

What You Will Learn!

  • How to stop searching for peace in all the wrong places.
  • What are triggers? How do they affect us? Is it possible to overcome from them?
  • How to turn every limiting belief into a new empowering habit.
  • How to develop a strong sense of self-worth.
  • Discover why we often make wrong choices, even when we know better. Do we really have free-will or are we controlled by our past programming?
  • Discover your true identity.
  • Your words are your wand. Discover the creative power of the spoken word.


In our world today 50% of women are living alone, 90% have unhealthy relationships with their bodies and food, and six out of ten women are experiencing financial stress. Women are more autonomous, independent, educated and free, but they are less happy, more lonely and more depressed than ever before.

Every one of us has our own inner compass and it only when we are living in perfect alignment with the coordinates of our inner compass that we can find joy and fulfilment in life. Is it possible for us to know these coordinates and realign the course of our lives to experience this life of peace and joy? I believe it is.

This course will give you access to the tools and information you need to find those coordinates for your life so that you can start living a life of peace and freedom.

This course consists of 7 units:

Unit 1: Finding Peace Within.

Unit 2: Develop a Strong Sense of Self-Worth.

Unit 3: Discover Your True Identity.

Unit 4: Understanding Triggers.

Unit 5: Thoughts Create Habits.

Unit 6: The Power of our Words.

Unit 7: We Change our Life Through our Choices.

Discover how to live in the realm of the miraculous; a place of peace and joy where all things are possible.

Who Should Attend!

  • Those who know there is so much more to life than they are currently experiencing right now.
  • Those who know they have huge potential, but have struggled to overcome their past.
  • Those who are self-sabotaging, unable to manage their emotions, and feel trapped in a cage of fear.



  • Personal Transformation






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