The ISO 10000 series. Customer satisfaction manager

Improve customer satisfaction with ISO standards

Ratings 4.73 / 5.00
The ISO 10000 series. Customer satisfaction manager

What You Will Learn!

  • What is customer satisfaction
  • How to handle customer complaints
  • What is the dispute resolution process
  • Qualitative and quantitative customer surveys
  • Direct and indirect analysis of customer satisfaction data
  • Attitudinal vs. behavioral customer loyalty


This online course discusses the framework for improving customer satisfaction proposed by the ISO 10000 series of standards published in 2018.

What is customer satisfaction? Why is it so important?

The four standards in this series of international standards address  different topics, each detailed in a section of the course.

ISO 10001:2018 offers guidance on how to develop and how to implement a code of conduct for customer satisfaction. What is this code of conduct? What it should include? What it should avoid? How this code can be implemented, reviewed and improved by any organization, regardless of its products or services?

Those questions will find answers in the first section of this online course.

ISO 10002:2018 is a standard that offers guidance for an organization looking to design an effective process for handling complaints. What is a complaint? What are the principles to follow when managing customer complaints? What should be the process from recording to closing a complaint?

Some of the aspects that will be discussed in the second section.

ISO 10003:2018 is about resolving disputes. How to manage a complaint that cannot be resolved in a satisfactory manner for all the parties involved? How to select an adequate DRP (Dispute Resolution Provider)? What are the most common methods for dispute resolution?

An overview of the provisions in ISO 10003 about resolving disputes.

ISO 10004:2018 is the standard that offers advice on how to measure and monitor customer satisfaction. The identification and the classification of customer expectations based on the Kano Model. Gathering customer satisfaction data including the differences between qualitative and quantitative surveys. Guidelines on how to design a customer satisfaction questionnaire. Direct and indirect methods to analyze customer satisfaction data. Attitudinal loyalty vs. Behavioral loyalty.

Those are aspect that will be detailed in the videos from the fourth section of this online course.

Finally we'll discuss about how the four standards in the ISO 10000 are related and what is their connection with ISO 9001.

Get better at improving customer satisfaction!

Understand how ISO addresses the topic of customer satisfaction!

Become a skilled customer satisfaction manager!

Who Should Attend!

  • Customer satisfaction managers
  • Customer success managers
  • Quality managers
  • Business relationship managers
  • Complaint managers



  • Customer Service
  • Quality Management






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