The Power of Mindfulness


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The Power of Mindfulness

What You Will Learn!

  • The tools of mindfulness to enhance your quality of life
  • How to control your thoughts, attention, and emotions


Despite appearances, most of us are not truly in control of our own minds. We think we are because we basically have the ability to decide what we want to think about and how we want to act, but this only happens when we consciously make the decision to do that. It only happens when we’re mindful of our thoughts and of our emotions.

The rest of the time however, we are simply free-wheeling and reacting. We don’t give much thought to how we’re thinking or what we’re focused on and as such, our minds have a way of running away with us.

So the question is: how do you go about getting back in charge of your thoughts? How can you decide to stop letting emotions run away with you?

The first step to gaining control of your thoughts and emotions is to use mindfulness – to simply be more aware of your them at any given time. This course, 'The Power of Mindfulness', can help with just that.

This course will equip you with the tools you need to harness the power of mindfulness and change your life. You'll learn about why you need mindfulness, the power of controlling your thoughts and emotions, basic neuroscience, and mindfulness practices.

At the end of this course, you will come away ready to use this knowledge to ultimately make a lasting positive change in your life.

Who Should Attend!

  • Those interested in enjoying a calmer, happier and more effective life



  • Mindfulness






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