Many people speak about what will happen when Jesus comes, but what still needs to be fulfilled if you read a lot in the bible that it was fulfilled. Jesus came to fulfill the prophecy. Where is Jesus Christ now? The tomb is empty because He is risen. The Lamb that was slain is risen and sits at the right hand of the Father. When we look at the Israelites they rejected Jesus as King and savior because they were blinded and didn't understand the Christ Revealed that was in front of them. If you read the book of Revelation in the bible many are scared because all they see is the mark of the beast and the antiChrist and totally miss the first line that says The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ dwells deeper into understanding the many facets of Jesus. Jesus Christ is known as our Saviour, Brother, King of kings, the Cornerstone, our Shephard, the Lamb, etc. This module will bring you closer to understanding your position in Christ. once you understand these two then nothing can stop you from attaining what has already been given freely by Jesus Christ.
Jesus is everywhere in the bible just take time and dig deeper in the word and let Him be revealed to you.