The Uncommon Way: How to intentionally design an epic life.

Mindfulness-based and Science-backed approach to designing and creating a life you love more quickly.

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The Uncommon Way: How to intentionally design an epic life.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn to live a life you love by Re-Orienting, gaining Emotional Clarity and Emotional Alignment, while Integrating your Superconscious into your daily life.
  • Learn a completely new way of orienting in your life by focusing on creating rather than solving problems.
  • Learn to identify the feelings and emotions you most want to feel by doing a deep dive into what feels heavy vs what feels light in your current life.
  • Learn to align your daily actions with your essential emotions to create experiences that support your desired feelings.
  • As you continue to Re-Orient into this new way of being and doing, you will learn how to intentionally integrate daily practices to anchor your new reality.
  • Learn to fully integrate this new creative orientation into your daily routine, weekly choices, and monthly actions to bring your desired realities into view.
  • Create and live a life you love and will live to the fullest by living your true nature and purpose.


Welcome to The Uncommon Way--a completely new way of approaching life, love, work, meaning and impact. We invite you to meet Holly and J.P. of the Uncommon Education Company as you preview the experience. You will learn how to shift your perspective out of the default problem-focused orientation we are taught from a young age and move into a creative orientation where you will begin to live from joy as you create with ease and flow from your heart. We teach you how to identify the essential emotions that will be a part of everything you intentionally create moving forward. This emotional clarity and alignment provide the guide as you begin creating a new reality based on how you would love to feel in a fulfilled life. This work is conceptually very simple, but it isn't always easy to commit to the shift and connect with your superconscious to remove resistance and overcome our unconscious patterns. Learn how you are the powerful creator of your life and that, in spite of what your unconscious and society tell you, you are not broken. You will realize you have always had the power to live your true nature and purpose, and we will help you live into this reality, beginning TODAY!

Who Should Attend!

  • Those seeking more from their personal, professional and/or spiritual life. Those who know there is more for them to do to live fully in their genius.
  • Those who are struggling to live fully into their highest potential and want guidance to powerfully create a path forward.




