The Value of You, Work, and Possessions

How God Views Us

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The Value of You, Work, and Possessions

What You Will Learn!

  • To understand the value of man to God.
  • To understand the importance of relationships to God and to us.
  • To understand the importance of work and how we view it. .
  • To understand God's perspective of possessions and how we should treat them.


This series deals with the value of us as individuals, not merely as members of the population as a whole. God creates each one of us as a unique individual. As God’s creation, He is concerned about us and our relationship to Him and each other. He established His law to rid us of those things that will hinder or destroy our relationship with Him and those around us. However, our sin separated us from God and the law could not break down the barrier between us and Him, nor could it change our hearts and fully rid us of that with divides us, so He sent Jesus to pay the price for our sins and enable us to approach God. He also sent the Spirit to change our hearts and fully rid us of those things that hindered our relationship with those around us. As fallen man, we are tempted to create divisions among us and lord it over those we feel are inferior, however God loves all of us and despises the way we treat those around us. God’s love is not just for a little while or until we mess up, He continues to love us in spite of our wondering. Through it all, He continues to call us and seek to lead us back to Him.

God didn’t just create us to be an amusement or entertainment, He created us for a purpose. He gave man dominion over all that He created and expects us to use the talents and abilities He gave us to manage and develop His creation. Our work is an important part of the management of creation and how we view work has a great effect on how well we do it. Government and social programs and policies can greatly hinder or discourage people from working and we should seek to provide maximum opportunities for everyone. God created each of us with our own talents and abilities and expects us to discover and develop our talents. He also created each of us with a purpose and expects us to carry out the work He has assigned to us to build up the church and improve the world around us. Our industrialized society has done a lot to minimize the value of individual talents and abilities, but the church needs to actively help people seek to discover their talents and abilities and help members find ways to use them for the benefit of the church and community.

Finally, God expects us to use that which He has given us wisely. He gave everything to us to manage and develop. While we have become careless with what God has given us, He expects us to manage it and develop it to its fullest potential for our benefit and the benefit of generations to come. That involves a balance between wasting the resources now and using them up and hoarding the resources. so no one benefits from them. We need to use the resources for our benefit, while seeking to make sure they will be available to future generations.

Who Should Attend!

  • For those seeking to understand more about what God values and to grow in the likeness of Christ.



  • Christianity






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