The Writer's Toolbox: Character Breakdown Technique

A Technical Writing Tool to Inspire the Creative Process

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The Writer's Toolbox: Character Breakdown Technique

What You Will Learn!

  • Create fully detailed Characters with proper motovations and emotional foundations.
  • Learn about Internal Conflicts and how they motivate your characters choices.
  • Use the tools provided to jump start a new story, edit an already completed story, and/or work through Writer's Block.
  • Understand your characters and their relationships in much greater detail.


Welcome fellow storyteller to my Character Breakdown Technique. In this course I'm going to be revealing the basic foundation of what makes all characters tick. Combining my two decades worth of writing experience with some basic psychology, I've created a technical writing tool to inspire the creative process.  This technique is perfect for new or seasoned writers and any form of writing, fiction and non-fiction.

In this course you'll receive my Character Breakdown Form as well as a quick guide to go with the video course. I'll go through each section with you and explain how it works, and also build a character from scratch with you so that you can see how the brain storming process works for yourself.

Who Should Attend!

  • This writing techique is for new writers trying to figure out where to start.
  • Experienced writers looking to edit their own work.
  • Any writer working through writer's block.
  • Actors or other filmmakers looking to understand the characters in a story better.
  • NOT for people looking for lessons on writing structure.



  • Storytelling
  • Writing
  • Writing Editing






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