Thriving Money & Marriage: Reach Financial Goals Together

Create predictability with your finances so you can setup a secure future with your spouse using your current income .

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Thriving Money & Marriage: Reach Financial Goals Together

What You Will Learn!

  • Create predictability with their finances so they can setup a secure future with their current income.
  • Ditch restrictive budgets because it's actually getting in the way of your progress.
  • Learn how to get on the same page with your spouse so you can create forward momentum faster.
  • No more guessing what you "should" or "should not" do next with your finances. Have a clear roadmap of what comes next without guessing.


Isn't it time that you achieve your financial goals?

You keep saying "next year" and next year has come and gone...again.

Get ready to completely change your life, create financial stability, quit sacrificing your happiness in the process, and do it hand in hand with your spouse. If you're tired of missing family time, hustling, hard money conversations with your spouse, and sacrificing fun from your life (because that's what all the guru's are telling you) only to backslide again...and again. Then let's change that for good, together.

In Thriving Money and Marriage, we ditch slow progress and hustle culture for something even better.

  • Ditch restrictive budgets because it's actually getting in the way of your progress.

  • Learn how to get on the same page so you can create forward momentum faster.

  • No more guessing what you "should" or "should not" do next with your finances. Have a clear roadmap of what comes next without guessing.

The Method
Utilizing the Financial Goals Framework, you can finally get on the same page with your spouse, reach your financial goals, create a secure future, and maintain motivation like never before. This same method enabled us to pay off over $185,000 in debt in a fraction of the time and fall even more in love with each other.

Personalized Feedback
If you have any questions along the way, all you have to do is reach out and ask away! I hop into the private Facebook group a couple of times a day where I'll answer your questions personally.

Live Calls & Accountability
Every week I'll go live and answer any questions, give you suppose, and celebrate your wins! These lives are meant to provide support, encouragement, and accountability along your financial journey.

This program is right for you if...

  • You are ready to fully commit to creating your dream life.

  • You would rather achieve your financial goals faster and easier than ever before.

  • You don't want to completely eliminate fun from your life for years at a time.

  • You're ready to get on the same page with your spouse around money and create serious forward momentum.

  • You're exhausted thinking about all the "next steps" like paying off debt, buying a house, and saving for retirement and it feels like you'll never accomplish your goals.

If you're nodding your head, then you're ready!

Inside of Thriving Money & Marriage, you'll find the 4 step process to accomplish your financial goals without sacrificing happiness in the process:

Get on The Same Page
The first half of this course is dedicated to building a firm foundation in your marriage. Without a firm foundation, the whole house will crumble. As we move through to the second half, we'll be talking more about how to create thriving finances.

Set Financial Goals
All of the pieces are coming together and now you're going to start to see how getting on the same page with finances not only reduces financial stress inside your marriage, but also allows you to accomplish financial goals that you never thought possible! It's important that you and your spouse get on the same page with your finances for several reasons: to avoid becoming another one of those stats, thrive in your marriage and to accomplish financial goals like never before.

Secure Your Future
You'll implement what you've learned and have things set in place that 64% of the population doesn't. These steps will safeguard your future, provide peace, and create stability and safety. Not only that, but you'll learn how millionaires manage money with their spouse and their tips and tricks.

Maintain Motivation

The hustle culture isn't sustainable and will actually cost you more money in the long run and slow your progress (I have math to back that up!) In order to maintain motivation in a healthy and sustainable way, we'll walk through what to do when you feel stuck, how to keep motivation going, and how to naturally implement accountability in a healthy way in your relationship.

This course has: 

  • 12 modules (4.75+ hours of videos)

  • Companion guide with 70 pages of helpful discussion questions, examples, fun quizzes, and more

  • Access to a private Facebook group where I go live weekly to answer any questions

  • Accountability to keep you on track

  • Bonus habit building workshop and companion guide to keep momentum going

This course is perfect for newlyweds or engaged couples who understand the importance of being on the same page with finances and that in order to build a healthy marriage, it involves building healthy communication around areas that are, statistically, problem areas.

Who Should Attend!

  • Married Couples



  • Personal Finance






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