The Tibetan Book of the Dead - Part 1

Passing through Death into Life

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The Tibetan Book of the Dead - Part 1

What You Will Learn!

  • The Tibetan Book of the Dead
  • New Year Dedication to Letting Go and Rebirth
  • Inner Fire Meditation
  • Embracing the Reality of Death & Impermanence



Explore the Profound Wisdom of The Tibetan Book of the Dead

The 1st half of the "The Tibetan Book of the Dead" retreat. (Days 1-3)

  • Dive into one of the most profound scriptures about death as a gateway to spiritual liberation, and a path into life: The Tibetan Book of the Dead.

  • Dedicate the New Year to a deep letting go to be reborn from stillness and depth into the New Year, and a new Life.

  • Learning to fully face the reality of death is the biggest key to dealing with any form of change, and being truly alive.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead is one of the greatest wisdom texts on death and its deeper potential. It dates back to the founder of Tibetan Buddhism, Padmasambhava. During his lifetime, he composed many doctrinal texts that were hidden in various caves, to be found only when the time was ripe for these teachings. Thus, it was rediscovered many centuries later.

This scripture describes the different states of consciousness in the process of death and how we can use these intermediate states, or bardos, to achieve spiritual liberation.

The Tibetan master Naropa later described meditation techniques associated with these intermediate states that help us utilize them for deep transformation.

In the retreat, we will delve deeply into the teachings of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, supported by meditation techniques such as Tummo, the Inner Fire. These techniques will lead us into a deeper experience and help fully unfold the transformative potential.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who wishes to dive into the secrets of the Tibetan Book of the Dead




