Time is Money (Part 1 of 2)

Bending Space and Time to develop strategies to charge and earn for the value of your services in time and experience.

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Time is Money (Part 1 of 2)

What You Will Learn!

  • Learning from non-traditional and outside-the-box sources
  • Develop strategies to charge and earn for the value of your services in time, experience, skills, and abilities
  • Strategies to create more time and direct earnings potential
  • Resources and helpful tips to increasing productivity and efficiency
  • Better and more efficient email, text, faxing, and phone communications
  • Social media and other distractions, pearls and pitfalls
  • Pearls and pitfalls in billing strategies


Time Is Money… Bending Space and Time

There are only 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week and 365 days in a year. Or is there? Private Investigators are usually sole-practitioners and must have a combination of enough billable services (usually in hours) - and run a business - all in the same 168 hours each week. Private Investigators rarely have a 40-hour week, weekends and holidays off - or even paid holidays and vacations. Business is often also pleasure, and running a business can be another 10 or 20 hours a week. We cannot add more hours to a day - we all get the same. Even if we could - do you really want to?

No! Work smarter, not harder. Its not lazy - its efficiency. Do more - or at least the same - in less time.

· Learning from non-traditional and outside-the-box sources

· Develop strategies to charge and earn for the value of your services in time, experience, skills, and abilities

· Strategies to create more time and direct earnings potential

· Resources and helpful tips to increasing productivity and efficiency

· Better and more efficient email, text, faxing, and phone communications

· Social media and other distractions, pearls and pitfalls

· Pearls and pitfalls in billing strategies

There are two parts to this course - the basics and applying the basics to better productivity. This course is designed for the new and veteran private investigators looking to improve their time management, use of technology resources, and increase profit while creating more time.

Who Should Attend!

  • All new investigators, as well as experienced looking for a refresher. This is for any level investigator.



  • Time Management






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