Time Management for Writers

The One Hour Per Day Method

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Time Management for Writers

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn how pro writers juggle writing, day jobs, family commitments, and disabilities
  • Identify your personal lifestyle challenges
  • Create a writing schedule and test drive it
  • Learn about and overcome self sabotage and procrastination
  • Develop a system that works for your life


You're busy, but you have creative goals. You're not alone! This course is for people who have full time day jobs, are full time parents and caregivers, are chronically ill, are disabled, are neurodivergent, and are determined to finish that book or screenplay.  An open secret in publishing is that most writers work full time jobs. How do they do it? Learn from the professionals how published, successful writers are juggling work, family, and creative success without burnout and without losing sleep.

In this course, you will: 

  • Learn from case studies how professional writers balance a variety of careers and personal circumstances with their writing careers

  • Learn about common pitfalls and self sabotaging behaviors and how to avoid them

  • Draft a writing schedule for yourself, thinking about self care and avoiding burnout

  • Work with your loved ones, keeping your community close as you revise your writing schedule

  • Consider best practices for your personal creative workflow and build them into your routine

  • Test out your writing schedule, reflecting as you go, and revise to create your working writing routine

Once you've completed the course, you will be ready to start writing! If you're interested in a comprehensive writing course that includes guidance on character development, beat sheets, genre planning, market analysis, drafting, revising, and more, check out the Tell Your Story course on Wendy's website! 

Who Should Attend!

  • Aspiring authors and screenwriters; professional authors and screenwriters; memoirists; journalists; nonfiction authors; students; parents; disabled folks; chronically ill folks




