The course revolves around 3 key objectives:
A) Learning Time Management Strategies
B) Learning Goal Setting
C) Be more productive
Same is achieved through the following sections of content:
Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction and Course Structure
Section 1: Time Management Techniques/Strategies
Lecture 2: Wait Time Opportunity
Lecture 3: “My time” slot each day
Lecture 4: To Do list- The right way
Lecture 5: Selective Consumption
Lecture 6: The best time slot
Lecture 7: Manage NO productivity tasks
Lecture 8: Dealing with milestones
Lecture 9: How to NOT procrastinate
Lecture 10: “Zero interruptions” slot
Lecture 11: 80:20 Rule in time management
Lecture 12: The log sheet
Lecture 13: The magic of deadlines
Lecture 14: Important and trivial task slotting
Lecture 15: The power of ONE
Lecture 16: Five-minute bundling
Lecture 17: Urgent Important
Lecture 18: Worry Management System
Lecture 19: Space allocation
Lecture 20: Learning implementation – Most Important Section
Section 3: Stephen Covey`s Time Management Matrix
Lecture 21: Time Management Matrix: Urgent-Important Matrix
Lecture 22: Time Management Matrix Live Quiz
Lecture 23: Implementation of U-I(Urgent-Important) Matrix
Section 4: SMART GOAL Setting
Lecture 24: SMART Goals
Lecture 25: Learning Implementation- MOST IMPORTANT SECTION
Section 5: Extra Tips & "Time waster" elimination
Lecture 26: Identify your time wasters
Lecture 27: Extra tips for time management
Lecture 28: Learning Implementation- MOST IMPORTANT SECTION
Each section has an assignment as the last lecture.
Same will ensure that the learning gets applied to work