Time Flies

How Time Flies When You're Having Fun.

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Time Flies

What You Will Learn!

  • Students will learn about how Time Flies about the universe in waves - a new Scientific Theory by this author
  • Students will learn how to manage their time more effectively and become the best version of themselves that they could ever achieve.
  • Students will learn about Time Waves - where they come from and where they're going. How to surf them for a more enjoyable and relevant and effective life.
  • Students will learn about how all the wave actions are connected and about the most powerful forces in the universe - how to exploit them for Good vs. Evil.
  • Students will learn how to save their planet, their species, and all other species of life.
  • Students will learn about the upcoming largest experiment in the history of Science- 5 million KM on a side, called LISA.


Based upon forty to fifty years of unfettered scientific research - My new theory is that Time flows in waves all around the universe similar to gravity waves except that Time Waves have no limit to their propagation. 

When my theory is confirmed by a new experiment being proposed right now by the European Space Agency, known as LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) in a few short years, the world will change in the most dramatic way ever thought possible, because for once and for all Time, we'll all know how to use time more efficiently. 

Don't wait for the proof.  Take this exciting new information and go with it and see what happens in your life.  Without really trying - things may change drastically for the better.  If you find that it is due to your taking this course, I would appreciate that confirmation.

Just as Albert Einstein changed the world with his revolutionary perception of the relationship of mass and energy, this author will change the world with his revolutionary perception of Time to mass and energy.  As Einstein has proven Space/Time is warped, but he failed to notice that so is our current version of Time - also warped but in a different way.

In this course, you will learn not only where does Time go, but also where it comes from and you will learn how to surf the Time Waves simply by using your brain waves in a slightly different manner than you're used to.

The newly acquired information found here and ONLY HERE will allow you to manage your time on this Earth sufficient enough to accomplish anything the heart desires. 

But, you need to get about your new life right now because there is not much more Time Left.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course if for anyone who is interested in major breakthroughs in knowledge and/or cutting edge scientific breakthroughs of our time. However, the information found here is not based in any difficult scientific principles beyond an elementary school level and is mainly found in common sense perceptions of the world.
  • Example: Have you ever watched the waves coming in from the ocean and falling on the shore and wondered how they were formed? If so, you are the perfect candidate for this course. We're looking for Time Wave surfers.




