掌握嵌入式ARM Cortex-M4编程

Embedded System Programming for ARM Cortex-M4,嵌入式底层原理,ARM汇编,ARM Assembly,SVC,PendSV,NVIC etc.

Ratings 5.00 / 5.00
掌握嵌入式ARM Cortex-M4编程

What You Will Learn!

  • 使用Makefile建立代码工程(Setting Up a Code Project from Scratch Using a Makefile)
  • 掌握arm-none-eabi-gcc工具链的基本编译选项(Mastering Basic Compilation Options for arm-none-eabi-gcc)
  • 掌握GNU嵌入汇编语法模板(Mastering GNU Embedded Assembly Syntax Templates)
  • 理解任务调度和原子操作(Understanding Operating System Task Scheduling Principles and Atomic Operations)
  • 掌握ARM Cortex-M4寄存器和汇编指令(Mastering ARM Cortex-M4 Registers and Assembly Instructions)
  • 掌握ARM Cortex-M4中断的使能、挂起、屏蔽和优先级(Mastering ARM Cortex-M4 Interrupt Enable, Pend, Masking, and Priority)
  • 掌握ARM Cortex-M4中断的处理流程(Mastering ARM Cortex-M4 Interrupt Handling Process)
  • 掌握ARM Cortex-M4的工作模式(Mastering ARM Cortex-M4 Operating Modes)
  • 掌握SVC和PendSV异常(Mastering Using SVC and PendSV Exceptions in ARM Cortex-M4)
  • 掌握ARM Cortex-M4的排他访问(Mastering Exclusive Access in ARM Cortex-M4)
  • 掌握ARM Cortex-M4的MPU和硬浮点单元(Mastering ARM Cortex-M4 MPU and Hard Floating-Point Unit)
  • 掌握对CMSIS库的移植(Mastering Porting the CMSIS Library)


1. 本课程是关于ARM Cortex-M4的嵌入式编程,主要包括ARM汇编指令、M4内核特性的程序开发,以及操作系统任务切换和锁的实现。( This course is about embedded programming for the ARM Cortex-M4, primarily covering ARM assembly instructions, program development for the M4 core features, as well as implementing operating system task switching and locks.)

2. 课程中包含大量代码实验,帮助大家直观的学习ARM Cortex-M4的编程方法。(The course includes a significant number of code experiments to help everyone learn the programming methods of ARM Cortex-M4 in a visual way.)

3. 可下载文件中包含视频中编写的代码,建议大家在学习时跟着视频一起来写代码,并在课后独立复现代码以巩固所学知识。(The downloadable files include the code written in the videos. It is recommended for everyone to write code alongside the videos while learning, and to independently reproduce the code after the lessons to solidify the knowledge gained.)

4. 视频中的课堂笔记是中文的,同时在可下载文件中包含了英文版本。(The classroom notes used in the video are in Chinese. There is an English version of the classroom notes available for download. You can also translate it into any other language you are familiar with and use it as a reference while watching the video.)

Who Should Attend!

  • 嵌入式软件工程师(Junior Embedded Software Engineer)
  • 计算机相关专业的学生(Computer Science Major Students)
  • 对嵌入式编程感兴趣的朋友(Friends Interested in Embedded Programming)




