What You Will Learn!

  • 1.了解可靠度規格如何訂定,能建立適當的產品可靠度規格 Understand how Reliability specifications are set and be able to establish appropriate product Reliability specifications 。
  • 2.依規格可靠度目標,能逐階展開,建立各模組目標 According to the specification Reliability target, it can be expanded step by step to establish the target of each module 。
  • 3.依各階展開的可靠度目標,能設計符合目標的物件或產品 According to the Reliability goals developed at each level, objects or products that meet the goals can be designed。
  • 4.能運用各種分析方法,解決和改善產品可靠度問題 Able to apply various analytical methods, to solve and improve product Reliability problems。


Usually 4C (Consumer/Computer/Communication/Car) products will require product Reliability level regardless of ODM or OBM, Because it represents product grade、return rate/cost、market competitiveness etc.,the more advanced the product is,the more stringent the Reliability requirements are, In particular Industry 4.0 has a high automation, and the components and products of facilities and equipment must also require the Reliability of objects, However, how to plan、design、prove、 implement、manage、revise and establish rules and standards etc., most of the relevant engineers of the enterprise currently listen to what they say, Even the management team does not know how to start, in the strict market competition environment, how to improve the competitiveness of products in addition to product quality undoubtedly,Product Reliability will be a major competitive key factor, and this class will have a background in wide demand。

This class from the perspectives of managers and engineers (management + technology), and the product life cycle , How to do a good job of product Reliability thinking, the scope is enough to meet the needs of enterprises, the professional field of lecturer has been recognized by both sides of the strait, that have conducted counseling for many companies on the Reliability on track, and there is a theoretical connection in practice, to ensure that classmates can apply it, It is hereby recommended!


本課程從經營者及工程師雙角度(管理+技術)視野,及產品壽命週期(Product life cycle)內,應如何做好產品可靠度思維,其範圍足以因應企業所需,講師專業領域已獲兩岸認同,已執行輔導許多企業可靠度上軌,實務中有理論的聯結,保證學員即可應用,特此推薦!

Who Should Attend!

  • 產品可靠度相關工程師和主管 Managers and Engineers related Product Reliability。



  • Product Development






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