Training Needs Analysis and Coordinating Training

Assessing Employees Training Needs, TNA Process, and Training Coordination (in-person and virtual)

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Training Needs Analysis and Coordinating Training

What You Will Learn!

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of training needs analysis
  • Learn practical techniques for data collection and analysis
  • Acquire skills in designing and coordinating effective training programmes
  • Develop strategies for overcoming common challenges in training coordination
  • Able to coordinate training workshops effectively for both in-person and virtual


Understanding the critical role of training needs analysis in organisational development is paramount for professionals across various domains, including training, human resources, and organisational enhancement. This comprehension serves as a foundation for collaborative decision-making among management teams, enabling them to pinpoint specific training requirements and implement tailored initiatives effectively.

Acknowledging training and development as investments in an organisation's human capital underscores the importance of evaluating the return on investment for these endeavours. This necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the impact of training initiatives on employee performance, productivity, and overall organisational success.

The overarching aim of this programme is to empower participants with practical skills and knowledge essential for proficiently analysing training needs and designing coordinated training programmes that align seamlessly with organisational goals. By equipping professionals with the tools to conduct thorough training needs assessments, identify skill gaps, and develop targeted training interventions, the programme seeks to optimise organizational performance and foster continuous improvement.

Moreover, by emphasising the strategic alignment of training initiatives with organisational objectives, the programme aims to cultivate a culture of learning and development that drives sustained growth and competitiveness. Through this holistic approach, organisations can leverage their human capital effectively, enhance employee engagement and retention, and ultimately achieve long-term success in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Who Should Attend!

  • Individuals involved in training, human resources, or organisational enhancement
  • Training coordinators




