Virtual Transaction Coordinator for Real Estate Agents

Build a Team, Delegate Tasks, Monitor Results Remotely & Deliver Extraordinary Service to Clients by Using GoogleDocs

Ratings 4.59 / 5.00
Virtual Transaction Coordinator for Real Estate Agents

What You Will Learn!

  • You will be able to create a TEAM that really works TOGETHER!
  • You will be able to easily manage 5, 10 or more closings per month!
  • You will sleep at night without all that worrying!
  • You will deliver service that encourages REFERRALS!
  • You will keep agents, escrow and lenders ACCOUNTABLE!


In this course you will down-load a Google-Docs spreadsheet that you will use for the rest of your real estate career. This spreadsheet is included in the tuition for this course and does not cost the $30 - $90 per MONTH that many real estate CRMs charge.

This course will cover the 3 basic components of the TRANS-TRAC System:

1.) TRANSACTION BOARD - originally created on a 4'x8' white-board the author hung on his office wall to manage 10 closings per month, this board is now digitized and can be shared between agents in the field and transaction coordinators in the office.

2.) PROCEDURES MANUAL - linked to each of the steps on the board are detailed (and customizable) instructions for completing every step need from the time you get a listing or purchase contract signed right through cashing your commission check.

3.) CONTACT SHEET - also linked to the transaction board are detailed contact sheets for each transaction, giving you and/or your assistant(s) fingertip-access to important phone numbers, emails, escrow #'s and more...

This course will walk you through every step of building and managing a thriving real estate business.

Who Should Attend!

  • This system is for real estate agents, not the general public.
  • If you are ready to hire an assistant, this system will help you minimize training time, freeing you up to work directly with clients!
  • If you have a team, this system will help you work efficiently with them!
  • If you are busy and small details are getting missed (ever lose a lockbox?), this system will keep you on track!
  • If you want to make sure there are no delays to your closings, this system will help you get paid on time!
  • If you are closing 5 to 10 (or more) transactions per month, you definitely need this system.
  • If you are an experienced agent, and you close only 1 to 3 transactions per month, you do not need this.
  • If you are a new agent, this system will guide you step-by-step from the time you get a contract signed up to cashing your commission check!



  • Real Estate Investing
  • Virtual Assistant






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