What You Will Learn!

  • Help in the successful transition of former athletes to the workforce.
  • Talk about ways to overcome the depression of no longer being a student-athlete.
  • Bring awareness to the unique skills that athletes have that sets them apart from the average worker .
  • Ignite the fire of confidence in former athletes as to what they can bring to the workforce as a former athlete.


This course was made with the intention to help in the successful transition of student-athletes to the workforce. The highly specialized skills that you have developed from sports will help you as an athlete changes the workforce into a term you will learn to love after taking this class. You will learn how to join AthletaForce. The AthletaForce is a special group of individuals who because of sports have a competitive edge that helps them to outwork, out-perform, and take pride in winning at work. Winning at work!!! This is a statement that is not used very often in a workforce environment with no athletes.  This is one of the reasons why you should take pride in being one and embarking on this journey!

This course will bring awareness and give brief overviews of the importance of the topics below.

Consistent Job Hunting

Skill building and certifications

Getting Job experience

Volunteering in the community

Using your competitive edge in the workforce

Interpersonal skills/psychology and mental health

Become a part of the Athletaforce!

Use this course as a stepping stone to boost your confidence, and inspire and encourage you to bridge the gap between sports and the workforce. You can do this !!! You will do this !!! Win at life and at Work !!

Who Should Attend!

  • All athletes, present, former or future.
  • Never before has there been a course that talks about the transition of athletes to workers. I have created this course to help in that transition.



  • Personal Development






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