Tuning Into Psychic Medium Development

Enhance Your Intuition and Psychic Skills

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Tuning Into Psychic Medium Development

What You Will Learn!

  • What is our Intuition, What is being Psychic and being a Medium
  • Understanding our energy fields and how to use them. Who are our Spirit Guides
  • Tools and Techniques to enhance your energy connection skills
  • Developing the ability to communicate with Sprit


This course offers insight as to how Psychics and Mediums work and how you can develop or enhance your own abilities to communicate with your Spirit Guides and the Spiritual Realms. There are tools and techniques to learn and use in your practise.

The initial process is to better understand more about our Intuition how it communicates to us and how we can learn to listen.

Next is to learn about the differences between what being Psychic is and the difference as to what a Medium does. The Primary difference is that true Mediumship, is having or developing the ability to openly communicate with Spirit Guides, and those Family & Friends who have already crossed or vibrational frequency to the Higher Spiritual Realm.

An overview of what are the Clairs used to communicate with Spirit, such as Clairvoyance and Clairaudience.

You will learn about Grounding your energy and why it is important before beginning to connect with the higher realm

Followed by the importance of applying and surrounding yourself with protective energy, this leads to opening your energy to communicate with the spirit world and then the importance of closing your energy after a reading.

Who are our Spirit Guides and what are some of their roles in our lives?

Why it is essential to establish your personal/professional boundaries, principles and ethics before providing readings.

Practical Tools and Techniques to use while developing such as Inspirational words, Tarot and Oracle Cards, using a Pendulum,  Psychometry (reading from objects)

Last but not least  you learn more about ways or methods to receive and communicate with the Spirit Realm.

A summary is provided of course and a follow on to Part II of your development can be the next step.

Who Should Attend!

  • All Levels Are Encouraged To Come With An Open Mind And Receptive To Learning




