Turn Trash into Treasure: Crochet Accessories Using Can Tabs

Become the ultimate eco designer by learning how to crochet one-of-a-kind upcycled jewelry and fashion accessories.

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Turn Trash into Treasure: Crochet Accessories Using Can Tabs

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn how to crochet headbands, necklaces, earrings, bracelets and keychains with recycled can tabs.
  • Create beautiful stand out projects by reusing can tabs that would otherwise be thrown into landfills creating more trash in the world.
  • Learn and immerse in an amazing hobby or have a new income stream by selling upcycled jewelry and fashion accessories.
  • Learn and discover how this art can help your mental well-being by achieving a state of flow.


Do you love the wonders that can be done with a simple crochet hook? Are you looking to immerse yourself in an amazing  hobby or have a new income stream?  If so, this course is for you!

In this course we give traditional crochet a twist by focusing on one major design principle, which is reusing can tabs and making a product of higher value. By learning how to make these unique fashion accessories, you are becoming part of the upcycling philosophy and reducing the environmental impact of the fashion industry. You will learn how to crochet beautiful stand out pieces by reusing can tabs that would otherwise be thrown into landfills creating more trash in the world.

The course is made with easy to follow step-by-step tutorials for crocheters of all levels. You’ll find the technique to be super simple, since there are no complicated patterns or a variety of stitches to follow. (A PDF document is included for extra guidance.)

The course consists of five main projects.

You will learn how to make:

Project 1- Headbands

Project 2- Necklaces

Project 3- Earrings

Project 4 -Bracelets

Project 5- Keychains

You will become the ultimate eco designer after finishing this course!

Crocheting our way to a healthier self:

The greatest way to find personal success is to allow our creativity to shine through and let all of our ideas come to life. As a psychologist, I help people develop their creativity, trust their intuition, not be too hard on themselves and make time for artistic, enjoyable activities that can allow them to break outside the box and get ready to feel more fulfilled, and start embracing and appreciating life. I have a strong desire to share what I have learned over my years as a passionate crocheter with those upcycled lovers out there.

This course is for you. For your empowerment, for your mental health, for your potential and your overall well-being. Do not get frustrated if you are unable to get it the first time. Life is full of challenges and it's all about trying once and once again until reaching the goals we set for ourselves.


I base my work on the principles of circular economy, which involves reusing existing materials as long as possible in order to reduce my carbon footprint.

A circular design system is one in which products are designed, manufactured, used and handled so as to circulate within society for as long as possible, with maximum usability, minimum adverse environmental impacts, and minimum waste generation.

Upcycling represents a variety of processes by which “old” products get to be modified and get a second life as they are turned into a “new” product, perceived as one with higher value.

Aluminum is one of the most valuable recyclable materials because there is no limit to how many times it can be recycled. The aluminum cans that you drink soda from can be recycled over and over again without degrading. Around 180 billion cans are used every year.

Circular design and upcycling is a powerful approach for contributing to the reduction of disposable consumerism and can help compensate excessive waste and the fundamental causes of environmental destruction.

Who Should Attend!

  • Eco minded creatives interested in learning something fun, unique and sustainable. All skill levels welcome.



  • Crochet






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