Ultimate Guide for Highschool Math

Prepare for your math exams anywhere, using any device!

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Ultimate Guide for Highschool Math

What You Will Learn!

  • Number and Language
  • Accuracy
  • Calculations and order
  • Integers, fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Further percentages
  • Ratio and proportion
  • Indices and standard form
  • Money and finance
  • Set notation and Venn diagrams


This course series is designed to help students prepare better for their final exams by supplementing and complementing what is being taught in the classroom or at home.

It touches all topics and breaks the units into smaller sections to help you get a better grasp of a particular mathematical concept.

The series comes with well-illustrated and worked out examples to ensure you cement your understanding in applying the skills taught. The units to be covered are broken down as;

Number and Language

        Number Types
        Square Numbers
        Cube Numbers
        Factors Prime
        Square Roots
        Cube Roots

       Approximation and Rounding
       Decimal Places
       Significant Figures
       Appropriate Accuracy
       Estimating Answers to Calculations
       Upper and Lower Bounds - Overview
       Upper and Lower Bounds - Multiplication
       Upper and Lower Bounds - Division
       Upper and Lower Bounds - Word Problems

Calculations and Order
       Order of Operations

Integers, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
       Fractions to Decimals
       Fractions to Percentages
       Division and Multiplications of Fractions
       Equivalent Fractions
       Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
       Decimals to Fractions
       Recurring Decimals
       Recurring Decimals to Fractions

Further Percentages
       Simple Percentages
       Quantity Percentage
       Expressing One Quantity as a Percentage of another
       Percentage Increases and Decreases
       Reverse Percentages

Ratio and Proportion
       Direct Proportion
       Divide a Quantity in a given Ratio
       Inverse Proportion
       Increase and Decrease by a given Ratio

Indices and Standard Form
       Laws of Indices
       Positive Indices
       The Zero Index
       Negative Indices
       Exponential Equations
       Standard Form
       Standard Form - Addition
       Standard Form - Subtraction
       Standard Form - Multiplication
       Standard Form - Division
       Negative Indices and Small Numbers
       Fractional Indices

Money and Finance
       Currency Conversion
       Profit and Loss
       Percentage Profit and Loss
       Compound Interest

       Time Formats and Differences

Set Notation and Venn Diagrams

       Universal Set
       Venn Diagrams
       Set Problems

This series is also suitable for

  • For homeschooling parents looking for additional resources in boosting their delivery at home.

  • For anyone seeking to understand the basic concepts to complex math topics at high school level regardless of the curriculum.

  • You will also get lifetime access to this course which comes with a friendly support in the Q&A section.

  • Students who are not able to attend school because of a disease or injury that prevents them from going to school physically.

Get Started Today and Turbo your way to even greater success in the exciting world of mathematics!

Our enthusiastic educators look forward to your success in pursuing mathematics. Feel free in providing feedback that will improve this course even further.

Who Should Attend!

  • Ideally suited for anyone preparing to sit High school equivalent certification.
  • For homeschooling parents looking for additional resources in boosting their delivery at home.
  • For anyone seeking to understand the basic concepts to complex math topics.



  • Math






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