Unlock Creativity For Any Field! Become More Creative

Learn about the right mental and physical states for creativity, and unlock creativity the same day you take the course

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Unlock Creativity For Any Field! Become More Creative

What You Will Learn!

  • Unlock creativity for exponential results in career or creative endeavors
  • Understand the ideal mood and energy level to get into creative work
  • Work smarter, not harder
  • Get creativity exercises to practice
  • Use play to unlock creativity
  • Many creativity exercises


Learn about the state of playfulness, get more creativity in that state, and apply it to your most critical tasks while keeping risk of failure low.


Most people think that you should be very serious about the things that are mission-critical for you. But if you are very serious, and stakes are high at all times, you'll be afraid to try new things, and you won't grow.

In this course, you'll learn about balancing when and how to be playful and creative in the things that are most important for you so you can find novel and creative solutions that are levels above what's been done before.


It's not enough to just learn about creativity. You have to test your skills at it. There will be a number of exercises to help you try  to find creative solutions in low-stakes scenarios.


If you're new at any given skill, you'll have a high number of creative solutions. They may not be great, but that will be creative. As you gain experience in a field, you no longer need to be creative since you have proven methods for doing things. But if you can keep your creativity deliberately up as experience grows, you'll find better and more useful creative solutions to problems.


When we engage in a creative process, there are actually at least two stages to that process. The first phase of creativity is to think as broadly as possible and gather as many ideas or options as possible.

The second phase of creativity and go through all the creative ideas you've gathered, and edit them to make sense.

The analogy for this would be the relationship between a creative writer and an editor. But in most cases of engaging in creativity, you must be both, the creative person and the editor. The combination of both of these will ensure that your creative works achieve high quality and resonate with people who may consume your creative works.


Most people think that creativity is something you need during the creative process of making art or music. But I would encourage you to add creativity to just about every part of your life from problem-solving to professional work to personal life. Think outside the box all the time. It's a fun challenge you can take on every moment of your life, and the best part if that the results will often positively surprise you.


Make everything you do creative, and live your live creatively. It's more fun, and a creatively-lived life is more fascinating moment-to-moment. Take pride in your creativity, and have it enrich every facet of your life.


Instead of doing the same old thing that everyone else does simply because it's the thing to do, you will think for yourself, and do the more enjoyable things that inspire and interest you. Separate yourself from the boring lifestyles of people around you.

Instead of being a consumer of other people's entertainment, content, or products, turn yourself into a person who uses creativity to create content or product that other people consumer or buy.

When you always come up with new ways of doing things or new solutions, you will become the thought leader people pay attention to, and follow.

Invest in your future! Enroll today!

Who Should Attend!

  • Everyone should be more creative.



  • Creativity






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