Up the Organization: Business Fundamentals and Leadership

Mastering Business Fundamentals: Strategy, Structure, Systems, Style, Skills, Staff, Shared Values and Change Management

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Up the Organization: Business Fundamentals and Leadership

What You Will Learn!

  • Mastering Business Fundamentals by focusing on a strategic perspective of running a business
  • Application of McKinsey's 7S framework in practice
  • Application of Mintzbertg's organizational configurations in practice
  • How different factors influence Organizational Design, and consequently - how to Up the Organization
  • How to lead a Change Management Process
  • Have a solid understanding on how to cope with challenges affecting the Future of Work


Welcome to "Up the Organization: Business Fundamentals and Leadership!" Right now, you might be wondering why you should take another course, does it worth it, and where to find the time for studying it within your already busy schedule.

Many people interested to become true business leaders, or to improve their managerial skills are mainly focused on improving their team building skills, motivating others, coaching them, presenting their own ideas, and similar. No doubt – all those skills are pretty much essential – yet, if you wish to become a complete and wise leader, you have to embrace a larger view of running a business.

As you can sense, we are all facing deep changes in the nature of how we work and interact with each other, raising influence of AI, remote working practices, GIG culture, and similar. That requires a new vision, strategy, and business structuring. No matter of your formal position – if you would like to become more than just another, ordinary manager executing orders from those above you, and instead partner with them in running a Change Management processes – you have to go beyond those just mentioned elementary leadership skills, and think about how to “Up the Organization”. That’s the ultimate challenge for all of us!

That’s why, this course is centered on company or an organization, and it’s approaching the challenge from three perspectives:

- McKinsey’s 7S framework, meaning looking deeply at Strategy, Structure, Systems, leadership Style, Staff, Skills, and Shared values (or Corporate Culture); next

- Mintzberg’s configurations – meaning by looking which cluster of employees dominates in a company (either Strategic apex, Mid-Line, Techno-structure, Operating core, or Support staff), we can recognize the following typical structures: Simple, Machine Bureaucracy, Professional Bureaucracy, Adhocracy, and Divisional structure. And, each configuration has its own specifics that we, for sure, are going to explain here; and

- Context in which company operates, including both – traditional factors like size, stage of development, complexity of environment, etc. plus contemporary factors like “Uberization of economy, raising GIG culture, impact of AI, and similar;

Since this is a huge task – we have structured the course around 7 core sections, each explaining one of McKinsey’s 7S elements. Within each section (or element), we are going to compare all 5 Mintzberg’s configurations – for example, from perspective of a Strategy, applied Leadership style, needed managerial Systems to be better run, and similar – we will explain how each configuration is designed to answer that challenge. Through these distinctions – you will better understand your possibilities, no matter if you are an entrepreneur, business leader, or a new manager. Additionally, we are going to incorporate talks about traditional factors within discussion about the configurations, while to add at each section an interesting topic relevant for the mentioned contemporary factors – distributed where we believe it fits the best.

For example, “Uberization” of economy and raising GIG culture is placed within Structure section, since it’s dealing with a business model you are applying. Or, within Styles, we are going to launch talks about Remote and Hybrid work as your leadership challenge.

Finally, we are going to give you hints regarding Change Management (as 8th Section) since all upcoming challenges will force you to think how to “up the organization”.

And, here and there, we are going to share with you some interesting reads or video clips to watch.

Additionally, we want to believe that you are going to love our video format based on drawings – playing with images, symbols, provocative messages and similar – their purpose is to keep your attention and provoke your thinking process – meaning you don’t have to agree with me all the time. Yet, if you find this format as not suitable for you – within Resources Section – you can find PDF file covering the entire course. However, we believe it will rather serve you as a reminder, or to write down your own comments for later on.

Of course – before we start – we have to explain some basic terminology and methodology in use – that’s why the next three videos are pretty much elementary – explaining McKinsey’s 7S framework, Mintzberg’s configurations, and factors. If you are familiar with Mintzberg’s work, maybe even Structure section will be a warm-up for you. Yet, after that, we are really going to speed up!

I really hope you are going to enjoy the course!

Learning Objectives:

- Master Business Fundamentals from a strategic perspective.

- Apply McKinsey's 7S framework and Mintzberg's organizational configurations in practice.

- Understand how different factors influence organizational design and change management.

- Gain insights into leading successful change management processes.

- Develop strategies to navigate the challenges of the future of work.

Target Audience:

- Entrepreneurs seeking to enhance their organizational capabilities.

- Business leaders and new managers aiming to navigate organizational change effectively.

- Anyone interested in understanding and adapting to the future of work from an organizational standpoint.

Enroll now and equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in today's dynamic business environment. With our 30-day money-back guarantee, there's no risk – only opportunities for growth and success.

Who Should Attend!

  • Entrepreneurs on how to Up their own organizations
  • Business Leaders and New Managers on how to navigate change process in their companies
  • All other people interested how to cope with a Future of Work, from an organizational standpoint




