Strategic Energetic Transition

Learn Self-Leadership Skills to Uplift Your Damn Self!

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Strategic Energetic Transition

What You Will Learn!

  • Life Transition
  • Military Transition
  • Military to Civilian Transition
  • Transition to Civilian Life


Veterans transitioning into the civilian work environment are dealing with a significant life shift. This shift may feel challenging as you navigate this unfamiliar environment by yourself. Plus, you lose benefits when you transition. But, you don't have to be alone.

Dr. Xavier Bruce, instructor of this course, has been where you are. As a retired US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, Founder and CEO of Uplift Energy Coaching, Executive Director of Uplift In-Powerment, and Commander of the National Association for Black Veterans (Western Maryland Chapter), he helps fellow veterans overcome the challenges associated with life transitions.

His coaching framework, Strategic Energetic Transition, is an evidence-based approach backed by science. Through this framework, Dr. X wants to help you "in-power" and Uplift Your Damn Self!

"I have always had a deep desire to help maximize the potential of others, regardless of any difficult situations or limiting beliefs they might have.

A lot of the time, these mental blocks come from a less-than-effective approach of dealing with stress from within. I’ve seen these negative patterns manifest themselves as productivity problems, failure to reach goals, and chronic physical problems, among many other things.

This all sounds personal - because it is.

Back in 2011, I was an active-duty officer in the US Air Force. At the time, I was dealing with several stressful situations at once with no guidance or mentorship on how to deal with them.

I had the stress of a rocky marriage, raising a son with autism, struggling through the doctoral dissertation process, and experiencing rocket attacks while deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan - all at the same time.

With nobody to guide me, I turned to self-learning. By delving into the practices of energetic self-perception, strategic influence theory, fitness, nutrition, and biology, I began to construct the self-development framework I now call Strategic Energetic Transition™ (SET) which serves as the basis of my unique approach to coaching and speaking.

My approach is all about concrete techniques to get you where you need to go, not nebulous “feel-good” positivity. No two people are the same and we all have different personalities and skills. This is true whether you’re a servicemember who will be transitioning soon, a career changer, or someone who is recently married or divorced.

These require holistic, integrated solutions - not a rigid checklist.

I want to help you change the way you think, feel, and act when dealing with stress. I want to be your trusted partner in creating an action plan to start making big steps towards your goals.

For example, if you’re a servicemember about to transition, I help you navigate that terrain (I’ve been there before!), understand how your experiences and strengths translate to the “real world”, create that action plan, and help you implement it while mitigating the inevitable culture shock that comes from leaving the force.

This is a holistic approach that is better tailored to you than the standard resume review and interview advice we get when exiting.

I’m here to help you respond, not react, with an evidence-based approach that is backed by science and concrete steps that you can act on.

Best of all, all of my services are at an affordable investment that won’t put a hole in your pocket.

Interested? Great! We are looking forward to helping you take the next major step in your growth for the future!" -Dr. X

Who Should Attend!

  • Military Servicemember
  • Military Veteran
  • Military Veteran Spouse
  • Military Veteran Family Member
  • Military Veteran Care Giver



  • Personal Development






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