Welcome to this Complete Course of Electrotherapy and Electrostimulation in small animals!
We are so happy to bring you the best up-to-date information on this new comprehensive canine electrotherapy training!
Electrotherapy includes all treatments that use electricity. There are two categories of physical agents:
• Those that use the direct action of electric current on the body: it is the electrotherapy itself.
• Those that use electricity only for its production: they are ultrasound and electromagnetic radiation.
The electrotherapy taught in this course is the application to the skin, by means of electrodes, of an electric current that stimulates the path of a nerve or the motor point of a muscle.
Depending on the parameters of the electrical stimulation, the following are obtained:
- analgesic effects - TENS: Transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation
- excitomotors - ENM Neuromuscular electrostimulation, whose application of a current causes a muscle contraction that is beyond the control of the patient.
This muscle contraction is very interesting, particularly for patients who have lost the ability to voluntarily contract the muscles (paralysis, paresis).
But Electrotherapy has a much wider field of action, very useful for the clinical veterinarian, and indispensable for the physiotherapist.
The effects of electrotherapy are multiple:
- Increased strength and muscle volume,
- Increased oxidative capacity of muscles,
- Minimization of atrophy during immobilization,
- Improved sensitivity, particularly proprioceptive,
- Excitation of muscle fibers that have lost their excitability or are inhibited,
- Decrease in edema,
- Improvement of blood and lymphatic circulation,
- Analgesia due to alteration of pain perception pathways (TENS).
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