Understand the maintenance strategies like reactive, preventive, proactive and predictive maintenance.
Trying changes the culture of using maintenance strategies based on the criticality and the cost of maintenance for all mechanical and electrical equipments like pumps, motors and more and more to ensure very good results
The binifets of using vibration Analysis to catch the Faults any stages of Faults.
Explain the relationship between Time wave form & FFT.
Explain the relationship between acceleration, velocity and displacement prope and the frequencies that can be catching by each one.
Explain the integration and differentiation to collect all desired by one reading.
Explain the most important topics that include and limited to averaging as linear,RMS and peak hold averaging then windowing for example hanning and hamming windowing.
Calculations of records time, resolution, number of samples and sampling frequency.
Studying the forcing frequencies for mechanical and electrical parts like impeller, shaft, non friction bearing and more.
Explain the four stages of anti-friction bearings Faults.
Diagnosing Faults that can be catching by vibration Analysis device like Misalignment, unbalance and bent shaft.
Many examples that help the students to have a good understanding of all vibration Analysis topics and then complete the picture for all of them.