Save Your Life , Save Your Marriage, Save Your Reputation

Biblical Strategies To Help You Finally Overcome Your Addiction To Pornography

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Save Your Life , Save Your Marriage, Save Your Reputation

What You Will Learn!

  • You will be able to form new habits and stop identifying with porn and live the life of freedom that you seek.
  • You will able to identify the triggers that cause you to lapse into porn and masturbate, as well as have the will power to say no when or if the urge(s) come
  • You will able to learn to be more confident and productive and form a new identity outside of seeing yourself as an addict.
  • You will be prepared both mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for all challenges that come from being tempted by porn and masturbation
  • You will be able to walk with your head held high, knowing you no longer have to deal with the guilt and shame of what you've done behind closed doors.
  • You will no longer have to walk around depressed and miserable, thinking you are the scum of the earth. You will be able to win your life back!
  • You will discover the person that God intends for you to be. You are amazing. Lets do the work!
  • Learn how to confront and respond to temptation, as well as to confront shame, guilt, and unforgiveness
  • Learn how to manage self entrapping thoughts


Welcome to  Save Your Life  Save Your Marriage, Save Your Reputation - Biblical Strategies To Help You  Finally Overcome Your Addiction To  Pornography

As a Licensed Minister and Life Coach, I struggled with porn addiction for over 15 years. It's something that I'm not proud of. I lost a relationship, lost a job, almost lost my reputation. All because I didn't stop watching it. I remember hitting rock bottom and asking God to really help me. I couldn't understand why it was so hard to stop? What I'm presenting to you are the tips and strategies that were given to me in order to live a happier, fulfilled life, free from pornography.

When I decided to do this course, I didn't realize so many professing Christian men (and women) struggle with porn addiction. In fact, according to Barna Research  68% of church going men, and 58% of Pastors struggle with porn.33% of women 25 and under struggle with porn as well. So I knew that I needed to speak out.

The fact is many people want help but they don't feel they have a "safe place" to address it and to make matters worse the church as made even discussing sex in general so taboo, that people who struggle with porn oftentime recline in silence. In addition, many of the tips and strategies given to overcome porn(and masturbation) addiction are either antiquated or non effective. Many of the strategies don't get to the root of the issue.

This course has over 5 hours of instructions that will teach you everything you need to do in order to finally get the freedom that you seek. I really get to the root of the problem and live no stone uncovered! This course is not only for people struggling with porn and masturbation addiction, but will help people with low self esteem as well. The approach I use is more of a fire side chat, with so many nuggets of wisdom being giving that you will definitely want to go back and listen several times to see what you might have missed.

I focus more on practical steps you can take and less on the science behind porn addiction. After all, you know you are struggling, you just need someone to get to the point and help you figure it all out. However, the times I do use scientific jargon it will make sense within the context of this course. Nothing overcomplicated, Simple, and to the point.


You are looking at this course description right now because you are trying to figure out if this is for you? Let me ask you this? What is your why? Your "why" is the thing that will empower you the most when you feel down and out. So here's a freebie, if you can identify your "why" you are well on your way to overcoming porn addiction.  For me , my why was I wanted to be married and stay married. My why was stronger than my desire to watch pornography. Many of you struggle because your why is not stronger than your desire to watch pornography. But don't fret, by the time this course is complete you will be able to clearly identify your why, and if you can already identify it, your why will be so strong that the desire to watch porn  wont effect you.

In this course, I will teach you how to stop watching porn and masturbating. I will help you build new skills that will allow you to displace pornography from your life once and for all. However I will not lie to you. Just because you will have the skills necessary to overcome porn and masturbation doesn't mean you wont be tempted. I will show you what to do in the event the temptation arises.

The skills I will teach you , I wish I would have known over 15 years ago. I'm using my pain, heartaches, and now triumph in order to help you.

The information in the course is not from a psychological or otherwise scholarly perspective. Although I do have my Masters in Sociology and have taken extensive course in psychology as well as worked in fields that have required "psychological expertise". I wanted to come from a more Spiritual perspective. I also want you the student to understand that if I can overcome you can too.  To this extent, if you were looking to  learn anything, I would much rather learn from someone that has overcome it themselves than someone who is pragmatic as opposed to just theoretical.

I much rather learn how to play Basketball from Michael Jordan than the person who has never played basketball but can only describe the game to you. Consider me Michael Jordan as I have taken all the bumps and bruises and knows what it takes to win a championship. In this instance, overcome porn addiction and masturbation.

I am here to assist you in anyway that I can, as this is a passion for me. I want to see you happy and living the life that God truly intends.  I lost a lot because of porn addiction and my way to give back to the world is for people not to suffer the same consequences as me. I know you can do it. I believe in you. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions and I look forward to partnering with you on your journey to overcoming porn addiction.


In this course, we will cover the following topics:

•The Foundation of Porn Addiction

•Spiritual Warfare and Porn Addiction

•What are the Benefits of Getting rid of Porn Addiction?

•Time Tested Personal Tips and Strategies to Quit Porn

•Your Spiritual Identity and Porn

•Identifying Neuropathways that Create Addiction

•Understanding The Spirit of Rejection

•Low Self Esteem and Porn

•Your Fantasy and Porn Addiction

•Fasting and Porn Addiction

•Porn relapse

And much more

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is intended for Christian men and women that battle porn and masturbation addiction. The tips and strategies can be used by anyone however please keep in mind that the majority my personal strategies comes from a Judeo-Christian perspective.
  • If you are suffering from depression, low self esteem or low self worth due to pornography and masturbation this course will help you
  • If you've lost a relationship, job, money, behind porn addiction this is for you.
  • If you only feel good or feel "alive" when you are watching porn or masturbate this is for you.
  • If you are tired of feeling like a loser and sick of what you do behind closed doors this is for you.



  • Addiction Recovery






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