How to Thrive in a VUCA Work Environment

Dealing with the Challenges of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity

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How to Thrive in a VUCA Work Environment

What You Will Learn!

  • Thrive amidst volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.
  • Reognise the need to select what you focus on
  • Build a strategic network of valuable contacts
  • Know where to work at your peak
  • Scan your horizon for changes, trends, threats and opportunities
  • Harness the simple success system for life during change; the Powerhouse Loop


The acronym VUCA - Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous - was coined in the 1990s.

It describes many people's experience of their workplace extremely well.

In this kind of environment, it can be hard to feel like you are coping - let alone thriving.

That's certainly how I felt!

It's also something that training participants and seminar audiences have been asking me about for years. So I decided to collate the ten best tools and principles I know into a short, sharp course.

One of the most valuable approaches to thriving in a VUCA world is the Pareto Principle; the 80:20 rule...

The 80:20 rule says that you get 80 per cent of the value from the best 20 per cent of the ideas...

... when you apply it well.

So, here is the best 20 per cent.

Apply it well, and you'll make a huge difference to your success at work.

Good Luck!

Dr Mike Clayton

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is designed for anyone who has to work in a volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous workplace
  • If that sounds like where you work, then you'll be familiar of the feeling of not being in control.
  • If you want to be in control; if you want to cope; if you want to do more than that, and thrive; then this course will show you how.



  • Career Development






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