Vuejs for Angular Developers

A quick guide to help Angular developers shift their work to Vue seamlessly.

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Vuejs for Angular Developers

What You Will Learn!

  • Build Single Page Applications using Vuejs
  • Render data to the DOM using directives and templating
  • Handle DOM events using methods, watchers and computed properties
  • Organize different parts of our application using components
  • Share data between components using props and slots
  • Manage state in our application using Vuex
  • Navigate around pages/components in our application using the Vuejs Router
  • Manage Application development using the Vue-CLI


Vue.js gives you speed and flexibility in achieving much better performance in comparison to other JavaScript frameworks. It is easy to use and is quickly gaining popularity as the simpler alternative to React and Angular.

This practical guide helps Angular developers switch to Vue.js for application development. This course will teach you to build better applications in a hassle-free way, saving a lot of your time. We take a practical approach to explain the process of creating a Vuejs application, rendering data to the DOM, organizing functionality using components, etc.

This course is hands-on from start to finish. It takes you straight into the editor and started building an app. You are advised to code along as we’ll be incrementally building an application from scratch making use of all the Vue.js skills you’ve learned in the course.

By the end of the course, you will be confident in your knowledge of Vue.js for your application development and can also migrate to Vue from Angular easily with your newly gained knowledge.

What you will learn

  1. Build Single Page Applications using Vue.js

  2. Render data to the DOM using directives and templating

  3. Handle DOM events using methods, watchers, and computed properties

  4. Organize different parts of our application using components

  5. Share data between components using props and slots

  6. Manage state in our application using Vuex

  7. Navigate around pages/components in our application using the Vuejs Router

  8. Manage Application development using the Vue-CLI

Who Should Attend!

  • Developers who would like to learn Vuejs
  • Angular or React developers who want to switch to Vuejs
  • Developers who need to revise their knowledge of Vuejs



  • Vue JS
  • Angular






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