Web Development & React.js - A Practical Guide for Beginners

Master JS (JavaScript), HTML, and CSS from the Ground Up. Build a Web Application with React JS. From zero to junior!

Ratings 4.29 / 5.00
Web Development & React.js - A Practical Guide for Beginners

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand core concepts of JS, HTML, CSS and programming itself.
  • Learn programming by coding practical things.
  • Get a right mindset to solve programming problems.
  • Create and deploy Web application from scratch!


What is JavaScript?

JavaScript, a dynamic scripting language, empowers web pages with interactive features. JavaScript is often at the core when a web page goes beyond static content involving dynamic updates, interactive maps, animated graphics, or scrolling video jukeboxes.

What You'll Work On:

Embark on a comprehensive journey through six key topic groups in this course. Each section is packed with assignments and coding exercises, culminating in developing a web application for product display—a project spanning the entire course. Starting with a simple console application and concluding with React JS, you'll witness the evolution of your application and gain a profound understanding of the programming process.

Course Sections:

JS Basics: Delve into the fundamentals of the JavaScript programming language while cultivating programmatic thinking applicable to various languages. Topics include computing history, variables, functions, objects, arrays, conditionals, debugging, and more.

HTML Basics: Explore the core elements of HTML, understanding document structure, the Document Object Model (DOM), and essential functions.

CSS Basics: Elevate your website's aesthetics with effective styling techniques, focusing on the widely used flex and grid stylings.

HTML + JS: Uncover the synergy between JavaScript and HTML, mimicking the seamless interaction in modern frameworks like Angular, Vue, or React. Topics include HTML nodes, dynamic elements, mini JS frameworks, modularity, and ES/Common modules.

Web Server + Webpack: Gain insights into client-server communication and create a custom web server for your HTML project. Explore Webpack as a bundler, enabling the combination of JavaScript code. Dive into Node JS and Webpack intricacies.

React JS: Conclude the course with a deep dive into the React JS library. Learn to effortlessly create web applications, incorporating hooks, state management, and reactivity. Bring everything together in a final version of your web app, solidifying your understanding of React JS.

Embark on this extensive journey and emerge as a proficient developer.

Who Should Attend!

  • People with zero experience in web development and programming.
  • Developers missing understanding of core concepts of web development.
  • Developers that often find hard time to understand how code works.



  • JavaScript
  • React JS
  • Web Development
  • HTML5






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