No more getting freaked out by long hair brides!
Every bride has her wedding identity. For some it is all about the music, for others the couple might be foodies! The long hair bride? It's her hair!
The last thing you want to do is use all of her hair in the style. It will be too heavy, bulky and pull down the design. So what DO you do?
This service is about her and if that includes very long hair so be it! We serve people and happen to work on hair!
As a long hair specialist, I was know for respecting the long hair client and was determined to find a way to honor the long hair client!
And we don't have to settle for half up styles either!
Every bride deserves to look and FEEL her very best. She will love you for understanding that!
My sectioning system and tips for hiding the hair plus using it as self padding with expand your mind and give you confidence!
I like to teach concepts and not "A style" . You'll go crazy in your career trying to find updo teaching style by style. You need to learn concepts!
Please watch the sneak peek video to get a glimpse of what's inside that will rock your updo world!
If you have any questions I am just an email or zoom call away!