What is the laying on of hands

The bible teaches believers to lay hands on both the saved and unsaved.

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What is the laying on of hands

What You Will Learn!

  • Have a clear understanding of what the laying on of hands is.
  • Have a clear understanding of how Jesus employed the laying on of hands.
  • Have a clear understanding of different methods that can be used for the laying on of hands.
  • Have a clear understanding of the transference of anointing that takes place through the laying on of hands.


Our Lord Jesus used the ministry of laying on of hands. It is with the ministry of Jesus that we see, for the first time in the bible, the extensive use of this method of ministry. The laying on of hands, teaches believers how to minister the grace of God to His church and to the world. For the laying on of hands deals primarily with the gifts of the Spirit and the power of God. This course will help the believer to more fully understand the importance of this ministry and how to operate in it.

This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of what the bible says about the subject of the laying on of hands.

Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through the subject of laying on of hands, so that the saint can apply godly principles to their Christian walk in this area. 

This course focuses on explaining the biblical view of laying on of hands. As a supplementary resource, this course can be taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Maher’s book, Laying on of Hands.

I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all.

Who Should Attend!

  • This is an entry level course for anyone wishing to understand what the bible teaches about the subject of the laying on of hands.
  • This course is not for those who wish to enter into religious debates.




