Who is the god of this world?

Who is satan? - Part 2

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Who is the god of this world?

What You Will Learn!

  • Who is the god of the world really?
  • Who is he not?
  • Is satan the god of this world?
  • What are the three worlds?
  • What about 2 Peter 3:6-7?
  • Who has been blinded?


In contrast to the elaborate teachings about Satan and his kingdom, some argue that these beliefs are not grounded in biblical truth. According to this perspective, Satan is not the Lucifer or an archangel. The idea that he led worship in heaven before his fall is also considered inaccurate. There is a devil or Satan mentioned in the Bible, but the extent of systematic revelation about him is limited.

This viewpoint posits that Satan does not possess a highly organized kingdom based on knowledge obtained from heaven, as he has never had access there due to his inherently evil nature being unable to stand before a holy God. Instead, he is described as a defeated being, a bully who has been bound by Jesus' power.

So, if Satan isn't the god of this world, who is? From this perspective, the god of this world refers to none other than the Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth. In various religious and philosophical traditions, the concept of God as the ruler of the universe and the ultimate authority is widely accepted. In Christianity, for instance, it is believed that God is the sovereign Lord over all creation and that He exercises control over the course of human history.

In conclusion, while some elaborate teachings about Satan and his kingdom exist, this viewpoint dismisses them as not being true or biblically supported. Instead, it emphasizes the defeat of Satan by Jesus and the ultimate authority of God as the god of this world. As with any religious topic, interpretations may vary, and individuals should explore various perspectives to form their own beliefs.

Who Should Attend!

  • Christians




